Business Acumen, Market Outlook, Business Trend
We help your company to do a quick understanding in dealing with a business situation in order to lead a good outcome for your company’s needs. Indonesia consumer shooping behaviour, change business model.
Business Process, Operation and SCM and Logistic, Vendor Management
We help your company to do a preparation in terms of logistic area by creating a research study about the preparation and strategy in line with Supply Chain Management and Logistic.
Organization Effectiveness, Agile Organization
We help your company to review and redesign your organization in order to maintain existing business in effective and efficient way while also establishing innovation centre to create opportunities for future business.
Branding and Communication
We help your company to inform, persuade, enlighten, teach, remind, and enrich the knowledge of stakeholders about a brand or product in detail, starting from strengths, values, benefits, and its fundamentals.
Change Management, Innovation and Communication
We help your company to implement the strategies for effecting change, controlling change, and helping people to adapt to a new change.
Human Capital and Talent Development, Future of Work
We help your company to possessed your people skills, knowledges, and experiences, in terms of your value cost of company or organization.
Performance Management (Enterprise, Unit & Individual)
We help your company to ensure that your activities and outputs meets your organization’s goals in an effective and efficient manner.
Soft Skill & Personal Development
We help your company to develop your people skills in terms of personality traits as self-confidence, positive attitudes, emotional intelligence, friendliness, and effective communication skills.
Creative Marketing, Sales Management and CRM
We help your company to improve your marketing strategy creatively in order to bond a relationship with your costumer and applied it into practical sales techniques and sales operations.