TBA Group Goes to Bandung!

Last January, 30 – 31 January 2020 to be exact, TBA Group had a short trip to Bandung. TBA Group itself consists of 4 large company which are Tabea Bersinar Abadi, Tabea Graha Sejahtera, Arvitech, and also Arofrasa & Co.

TBA Group went Bandung for kick-off meetings as a part of a yearly activity. As located in Padma Hotel, Bandung, TBA Group celebrated the new year, new team members, new family, and creating a new memory to make a new bond between each person. The purpose of this activity is actually to get to know each other so each members of company will be blended. But the main goal is also to be able to do a cross-sell because it has a different business focus. Which the ultimate goal is to get a healthy turnover. So, in general, each company will align its vision and mission to become one big group.

TBA Group always conducts annual activities to introduce new members and create a new atmosphere as part of a fresh start. Because basically, TBA Group prioritizes togetherness and prosperity. Not just a matter of work, TBA Group always has a vision and mission to improve the welfare of employees and create a close relationship between all employees of TBA Group.

With the kick-off meeting, TBA Group believes that everything we sincerely and passionately will create a new atmosphere that automatically makes a better relationship between employees, even though they come from different companies.

Outside of work and business matters, all activities carried out are activities outside of work such as sharing sessions, games, karaoke, and many more.

Want to see how exciting the TBA Group was in the kick-off meeting last January? Let’s take a look at the following photos here!

Join us, and follow the excitement of TBA Group in the next activity, ya!